Tuesday, June 21, 2011

♥ chOose yOur wOrds with care ♥

assalamualaikum ! hye hye . .

 'chOose yOur wOrds with care'

 ~ Ahmad Zarruq once said ,

       if you desire to live such that your religion is safe
      and your portion is full and your honor is sound ,
      guard your tongue , and never mention anOther's
      faults , remembering that you , yourself , have faults
      and others have tongues .

Subhan Allah . such simple reality , presented tO  us in the
mOst truthful manner . i have a tOngue , and sO dO yOu , rite ?
sO , why am i talking abOut yOur faults ? Astagfirullah .

by simply speaking gOod wOrds and practicing gOod values ,
like being patient , kind ,gentle , hOnest , truthful , and respectful .
hmm , and avOiding bad practices like backbiting , Or being rOugh
and temperamental , we will have a huge advantage On the
Day of Judgement , in sha'a Allah .

in additiOn , The prophet advised us that we shOuld Only say what
is gOod . if we cant , then this is what we shOuld dO . just be quiet .
can we try that fOr a change ? can i dO that fOr a change ? it is
simple . just say . . sshhhh tO yOurself and yOu are all gOod .

then , i have a stOry abOut a kindergarden teacher and her egg
experiment . hOpe u Olz like it ! ( ^____^ )

there was Once a kindergarden teacher whO was respOnsible
fOr a class Of hyperactive children , brilliant ,  creative , cheerful
, and talkactive that making her class the noisiest in the schOol .

One day , as Ms . Jane watched the children play during their
mOrning recess , she saw twO Of her students fighting , while
Others were cheering .

quickly she ran tO break up the fight and tOok them tO
principal's office .

" tell me what happened , " said the principal .

"he punched me , " said the blOnd-haired bOy .

"why did yOu punch him ? " asked the principal .

" he called me fat and slOw and said i'm hippO , "
said the dark-haired bOy with teary eyes .

the next day , the class was quieter . the kids had clearly
been affected by the fight , sO Ms . Jane made a plan .

the teacher called One Of the girls tO the frOnt . " class ,
tOday we are gOing tO dO an experiment . i have an egg .
JOjO will help me crack it . and , when she dOes , i want
everyOne tO Observe what happens tO the egg . "

" Okay , JOjO , yOu can dO it nOw . " as JOjO cracked
the eggs , she asked , " can anyOne tell me what yOu saw ? "

"yes James , " she pOinted tO a bOy .

"the egg gOt split intO twO and i chOuld see all its white
and yellow spilled intO the bOwl , " said James .

"very gOod ! nOw , are yOu ready ? if yOu knOw the answer ,
put up yOur hands . fOr a week Of nO hOmewOrk , whO can
tell me hOw i can put the egg back in its shell ? " everywhere .

the whOle class becaame silence . nO hands waved , but
cOnfused face were everywhere .

the teacher smiled and teased the children . " cOme On .
i'm waiting . . . "

"Ms . Jane , we cant put back the egg , can we ? asked
a curiOus bOy .

"what yyOu think ? " Ms . Jane asked again .

"nO , Ms . Jane , i dOnt think we can , " he answed
cautiOusly .

"gOod , yOu're cOrrect ! we cant put the egg back tOgether .
and dO yOu knOw why ? an egg Once brOken , " she said
while turning tP the twO bOys whO had fOught . " the same
is true with wOrds . Everytime a wOrd leaves a mOuth , it
can never be return . that's why we shOuld be carefull Of what
we  say tO Others . wOrds can be hurtful like breaking an egg .

the bOnd-haired bOy stOod up , walked Over tO his friend ,
and said , " i'm sOrry i called u fat . "

" i'm sOrry i punched u , " answered his dark-haired friend .

Ms . Jane smiled . her class sOon became nOisy again .

Subhan Allah , isn't it sO true ? any bad wOrds that cOme Out
Of Our mOuth are like brOken eggs .

the egg stOry made me think . had i hurt sOmeOne with my
wOrds , knOwingly Or unknOwingly ? Astagfirullah .

p/s : Once a wOrd leaves Our mOuth , it can never find its
       way back . never.!


( ^_____________________^ )


[ stOries taken frOm LIFE IS AN OPEN SECRET ]
[ the stOry Of kindergarden teacher and her experiment ]
written by Zabrina A.Bakar

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